"Our guarantee to you: Shaklee products always work, are always safe, and are always green." ~ Product Guide 2012

For Your Life

"The state of employment today makes it even more important to create opportunities for people, not just companies. We are committed to providing that opportunity for you today."

"Every day, each and every one of us yearns for more. More time, more success, more health, more security, more purpose.
With Shaklee you can achieve more. We offer you the opportunity not just to own your own business, but to own your health, wealth, and happiness. And to help make the planet healthier, too. (...) Now is the time for more."

"All of us at Shaklee are dedicated to helping you live a healthier life and a better life. For over half a century, Shaklee scientists have worked to create the best natural health products in the world. We have spent nearly $300 million in research and development and clinical testing to make products that are Always Safe, Always Green, and Always Work. Try them. We guarantee you will feel a different. That is why we are the number one natural nutrition company in the U.S. "
~ Roger Barnett, Chairman and CEO of Shaklee Corporation

Books and Articles

  • Foods that Combat Cancer. The Nutritional Way to Wellness, by Maggie Greenwood-Robinson, Ph.D.
  • Midlife Health. A Woman's Practical Guide to Feeling Good, by Ada P. Kahn & Linda Hughey Holt, M.D.
  • Nutrition Almanac. Better Life Through Better Nutrition, Nutrition Search, Inc. John D. Kirschmann, Director
  • Solved: The Riddle of Osteoporosis, by Stephen E. Langer, M.D. and James F. Scheer
  • Understanding Nutrition, by Whitney, Hamilton, Rolfes

About Me

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http://www.vervelink.net http://vervelink.myshaklee.com


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